(Historical Highlights & Membership List)
Historical Highlights
Note: Hawaiian Paper articles of interest at:
April 11, 1865, Establishment of the Order
Authorized by the 35th Article of the 1864 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i,
King Kamehameha V established the Order of Kamehameha I by Royal Decree on April 11, 1865 at the ‘Iolani Palace. The Royal Decree was made with the endorsement of the King’s Privy Council of State and establishes the Order’s mission and authorizes the Order to carry out its kuleana, in perpetuity, as an institution of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i (Hawaiian Gazette, April 29, 1865).
Historical Note:
Though the Royal Decree specified the new institution as the Order of Kamehameha I (Order), the Order was also recognized as the Royal Order of Kamehameha I from its earliest beginnings.
January 17, 1893, Overthrow of the Kingdom
Queen Lili‘uokalani’s attempt to promulgate a new constitution galvanized opposition forces composed of Hawai‘i born citizens of American parents, naturalized citizens, and foreign nationals. This group, with the support of the American Minister to Hawai‘i, orchestrated the Overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy and the establishment of a Provisional Government.
Historical Note:
At the time of the Overthrow, Queen Lili‘uokalani acted as the Grand Master (Supreme Head) of the Order.
January 17, 1893, Order Goes Underground
Following the illegal Overthrow of Queen Lili‘uokalani and the Kingdom in 1893, the Order was considered a threat to national security and suppressed by the Provisional Government and subsequent Republic of Hawai‘i. As a result, the Order was forced to exist as a secret underground society.
May 13, 1902, Beginning of the Reorganization of Order
On or about May 13, 1902 a group of prominent Hawaiian men met in Honolulu under the leadership of Dr. George H. Huddy, Territorial representative from Kaua‘i, with the specific aim of re-establishing the Royal Order of Kamehameha I. Present at this meeting in addition to George Huddy was James H. Boyd, Abraham Fernandez, Charles H. Rose, William H. Coney, John H. Wise, Rev. J. M. Ezera, David K. Aiona, John K. Nako‘oko‘o, and others.
April 18, 1903, Petition for a Name
On April 18, 1903, a petition was filed with the Treasurer of the Territory, the Hon. A.M. Kepoikai by Henry Smith, Mark P. Robinson, John D. Kolb, Jr., G.E. Smithies, William H. Coney, Carlos A. Long, Issac M. Sherwood, George H. Huddy, Palmer Parker Woods, David Kanuha, Samuel C. Dwight, and John Mauliola Ezera, for the purpose of organizing, forming, and maintaining, a secret association in Honolulu to be styled “Hawai‘i Chapter No. 1, of the Territory of Hawai‘i” and to have and to hold the right to establish subordinate associations throughout the Territory of Hawai‘i. This petition was denied.
Again on May 8, 1903, a second petition was filed with the Treasurer of the Territory, signed by Henry Smith, Mark P. Robinson, John D. Holt, Jr., Samuel C. Dwight, John M. Ezera, and Issac H. Sherwood, with the name changed to “Hawai‘i Chapter No. 1.” The petition was granted.
May 13, 1903, First Meeting of Hawai‘i Chapter No. 1 Order
On May 13, 1903, at the old “Foster Hall” in Honolulu, the first formal organizational meeting of the Order took place. Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole was chosen the first Ali ‘i ‘Ai Moku, the highest post in the Order, a position that he held until his death on January 7, 1922.
April 18, 1903, Territorial Recognition of Order
Organizations such as the Order established during Kingdom period was not recognized by the Provisional Government, Republic of Hawai‘i, or Territory of Hawai‘i. Accordingly, the Order of Kamehameha I was not recognized as a legitimate organization by the territory of Hawai‘i. As such, the Order was forced to reestablish its identity in order to be recognized and function as an organization within the Territory of Hawai‘i. However, the Order was not allowed to use its prior name established by the Kingdom of Hawai‘i, i.e., Order of Kamehameha I. In the alternative, the Order was granted (April 18, 1903) and used the name “Hawai‘i Chapter No. 1”.
June 11, 1903, Public Declaration
Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana‘ole, lead a torchlight ceremony around the statue of Kamehameha I (Oahu) and publicly declares the restoration (return to public light) of the Order on June 11, 1903.
Historical Note
As the last surviving designated heir to the throne, had it not been for the overthrow, Prince Kūhiō would have succeeded Queen Lili‘uokalani as King of Hawai‘i and Grand Master of the Order. As such, Prince Kūhiō possessed the mana (authority and power) to reorganize and perpetuate the Royal Order of Kamehameha I as it exists today.
July 03, 1907, Establishment of Māmalahoa
Māmalahoa is established by Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana‘ole on July 3, 1907 in Hilo, Hawai‘i, with the assistance of Rev. Stephen L. Desha. Sr., as the second chapter of the Order. Charter members include: Stephen L. Desha. Sr., Michael Victor, Joseph Santos, Sr., Puha Hale, Joseph K. Like, and William Henry Beers.
November 16, 1907, Reclaiming the Order Name
It was not until November 16, 1907 that the Territory of Hawai‘i allowed the Order to officially use its originally name, but only in the form of, Hawai ‘i Chapter No. 1, Order of Kamehameha. In time, this name evolved into the name currently use by the Order, i.e., Royal Order of Kamehameha I.
Historical Note
Because the Order could not officially use it is name until 1907, it identified itself and was recognized by the general public by several names including: Kamehameha Lodge, ‘Ahahui Malū Kamehameha (Kamehameha Secret Society), and ‘Ahahui Kamehameha. The Order was recognized by these various names for many years following 1907.
1921 Men Of Hawaii Reference Library
A biographical reference library edited by John W. Siddall is published by the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Territory of Hawaii in 1921. Many members of Māmalahoa are recognized in this work including Ali‘i ‘Aimoku Noa Webster Aluli (pg 11) and William H. Beers (pg 41).
Electric copy at: http://books.google.com
1933, Mamalahoa Highway
In 1933 the County of Hawai‘i recognized Māmalahoa, by naming its new round-the-island belt road in its honor as Mamalahoa Highway. Note: This is contrary to the common yet mistaken assumption that the highway was named after Kamehameha’s “Mamalahoe Kanaawai” or “Law of the Splintered Paddle” which provided safe travel and passage for commoners, first on Moku O Keawe then throughout a untied Hawai‘i.
1934, Hosting President Roosevelt
Māmalahoa had the privilege and honor to help host President Franklin D. Roosevelt on his visit to Hilo on July 25, 1934. The first president of the United States to set foot on Hawaiian soil, Māmalahoa honored President Roosevelt with an elaborate and colorful Hawaiian parade. Found in the Archives
June 10 to 13, 1936, Grand Hawaiian Birthday Celebration
Māmalahoa sponsored and facilitated a spectacular birthday cerebration, the 200th anniversary of Kamehameha Kūnuiākea, and the 100th anniversary of King David Kalakaua.
The officers and committee members for the year were:
Ali‘i William H. Beers – Hope Ali‘i ‘Ai Moku
Ali‘i Joseph K Like – Ali‘i Poni
E.A. Namohala – Mamo Ali‘i
James Kamakaiwi – Kaukau Ali‘i
Richmond Ellis – Lā’au Ali‘i
Charles Makanui – Kākā’ōlelo
William H. Silva – Kū’auhau
Arnold Richardson – ‘Ā’īpu’upu’u
Edward Akoona – Kahuna
Thomas Kekoa – Pukaua Nui
Simpson Kahikina – Pukaua Iki
Kalamaku Lee Loy – Kia‘i Loko
Charles Kameenui – Kia‘i Waho
Grand Hawaiian Birthday Celebration Committee Members:
Herman N. Kamai
Edwin M. Desha
George Tucker
Eddie Akiona
James Kealoha
Sam Lucas Luhan
William G. Aiona
Thomas Kekoa
Thomas Nahiwa
Charles E.K. Martin (Waiohinu, Ka’u)
J.N. Ko‘omoa
Samuel M. Spencer
Henry K. Martin (Waiohinu, Ka’u)
George C. Hewitt (Waiohinu, Ka’u)
Albert Nahalea
1938, Kamehameha Hall
Māmalahoa builds and dedicates a meeting house named Kamehameha Hall in 1938. The facility is shared with ‘Ahahui Ka‘ahumanu and Hale O Na Ali’i. Address at 1162 Kalanianaole Avenue, Hilo (Keukaha), Hawaii 96720
1947, Kamehameha Canoe Club
Māmalahoa establishes the Kamehameha Canoe Club Hilo in 1947 to perpetuate the Hawaiian art and sport of outrigger canoe racing. The club was reorganized in 1954 by Robert Puakea Sr., Eddie Hamauku and Dan Nathaniel. In 1975 the club was again reorganized by John Kekua, Arnold Nathaniel, Abe Remy, Dale Fergestrom and Joe Kealoha.
September 2, 1950, Māmalahoa Host Order Convention
Twenty-first annual convention held in Hilo, Labor Day weekend. Largest in history of the organization (actually the first convention at Waimea, Kaua‘i in 1924 was the largest). One hundred delegates to attend including 28 from host group, Māmalahoa Chapter. There were 12 delegates from Moloka‘i [Kalaniana‘ole – Chapter 5], 36 delegates from O‘ahu [Hawai‘i Chapter 1], 14 delegated from Maui [Kahekili – Chapter 4], and 6 delegates from Kaua‘i [Kaumuali‘i – Chapter 3]. Convention opened in the morning and a lūʻau will be held at the American Legion Clubhouse this evening.
Sunday and Monday – Programs include sightseeing and sports. Delegates will leave for home late Monday morning. This is the fiest convention of the Order in Many years in which all five Chapters in the Territory are represented. “Hilo Is Host To Order of Kamehameha” Honolulu Star Bulletin, September 2, 1950.
August 24-27, 1989, Māmalahoa Host Papa Ali‘i
Māmalahoa host the annual Papa Ali‘i (Convention) of the Royal Order of Kamehameha I. Event to be held over a 4-day period August 24 – 27 at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel. Brothers and Sisters from the four active chapters will be participating, Hawai‘i Chapter 1 from O‘ahu under the direction of Ali‘i ‘Ai Moku Edward Kaopuiki; Māmalahoa Chapter 2 of Moku o Keawe under the direction of Ali‘i ‘Ai Moku Stephen Kaili; Kaumuali‘i chapter 3 from Kauai under the direction of Ali‘i ‘Ai Moku James Burgess; and Kahekili Chapter 4 under the direction of Ali‘i ‘Ai Moku Benjamin Keau, Sr. The Women’s Auxiliary of the Order will join the men at the Papa Ali‘i Convention with their own state officers. This year the presiding state officer is Betty Kawohiokalani Ellis Jenkins, a daughter of Hilo, who now resides on O‘ahu.
May 20, 1993 Kamehameha Hall on National Register
Kamehameha Hall, the last remaining original meeting hall of the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, is added to the State of Hawai‘i and National Register of Historic Places on May 20, 1993.
August 28, 2007, HTA Award
At a ceremony held August 28, 2007 at the Hawai‘i Convention Center, the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority (HTA), the state agency for tourism, announced the recipients of the prestigious Keep It Hawai‘i Recognition Awards. Awards were presented to individuals, organizations and businesses in recognition of their commitment to perpetuate the Hawaiian culture. Recognizing long-term and exemplary commitment to perpetuating and preserving Hawai‘i’s host culture, the 2007 Lehua Maka Noe Award was presented to Māmalahoa. Māmalahoa was honored for presenting the Kamehameha Day Celebration on Moku Ola (Coconut Island), Hilo for the previous twenty-two years.
‘Aha Mele – Song Competition
After the Oder was unified in 2011, Māmalahoa once again entered the Order’s annual ‘Aha Mele – Song Competitions after a 10 year absense.
2011 2nd Place, Hosted by Hawai‘i Chapter 1 (Oahu)
2012 1st Place, Hosted by Māmalahoa Chapter 2 (Moku o Keawe)
2013 1st Place, Hosted by Kaumuali‘i Chapter 3 (Kauai)
2014 1st Place, Hosted by Kahekili Chapter 4 (Maui)
2015 1st Place, Hosted by Kūhiō Chapter 6 (Oahu)
2016 None participation this year. Hosted by Ahu‘ena, Chapter 7 (Moku o Keawe)
2017 Non placement due to point deductions for presentation with women’s auxiliary. Hosted by Kapuāiwa, Chapter 8 (Oahu)
2018 2nd Place, Hosted by Kamehameha Chapter 9, (Moku o Keawe)
Note: It was initially decided that Māmalahoa would not participate this year in protest of point deductions for presentation with women’s auxiliary. However, when deductions were removed, two-weeks prior to competition, Māmalahoa decided to participate.
Membership List
The records show the following as charter members of Māmalahoa:
William H. Beers
Rev. Stephen L. Desha, Sr.
(Pastor, Haili Church in Hilo, 1889 – 1934; Editor, Ka Hoku O Hawaii, Hawaiian-language weekly newspaper, 1907 to 1934; Territorial Senator, 1913 – 1934)
John Puha Hale
Joseph K. Like
Joseph Santos, Sr.
Michael Victor
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Buke LXII, Helu 7, Aoao 3. Feberuari 15, 1923.
This chapter of the Ahahui Kamehameha was established on April 18, 1907, and these are the officers:
William H. Beers – Mamo Ali‘i
Stephen L. Desha, Sr. – Kaukau Ali‘i
George L. Desha, Sr. – Lau Ali‘i
and Samuel K. Pua – Kahuna
Ali‘i William H. Beers – Hope Ali‘i ‘Ai Moku
Ali‘i Joseph K Like – Ali‘i Poni
E.A. Namohala – Mamo Ali‘i
James Kamakaiwi – Kaukau Ali‘i
Richmond Ellis – Lā‘au Ali‘i
Charles Makanui – Kākā‘ōlelo
William H. Silva – Kū‘auhau
Arnold Richardson – La‘au Ali‘i
Edward Akoona – Kahuna
Thomas Kekoa – Pukaua Nui
Simpson Kahikina – Pukaua Iki
Kalamaku Lee Loy – Kia‘i Loko
Charles Kameenui – Kia‘i Waho
Grand Hawaiian Birthday Celebration Committee Members:
Herman N. Kamai
Edwin M. Desha
George Tucker
Eddie Akiona
James Kealoha
Sam Lucas Luhan
William G. Aiona
Thomas Kekoa
Thomas Nahiwa
Charles E.K. Martin (Waiohinu, Ka‘u)
J.N. Ko‘omoa
Samuel M. Spencer
Henry K. Martin (Waiohinu, Ka‘u)
George C. Hewitt (Waiohinu, Ka‘u)
Albert Nahalea
A Standing Committees List (01/01/1938 to 06/30/1938) indicates that the Officers at this time to be:
Mamo Ali‘i – Richmond Ellis
Kaukau Ali‘i – Charles Makanui
Lau Ali‘i – Edward Akiona
Kahuna – James Puuohau
Kuauhau – Herbert U. Kai
An apparently later report then the one above shows,
Mamo Ali‘i – Charles B. Makanui
Kaukau Ali‘i – Edward K. Akiona
Lau Ali‘i – Henrey Nalaielua
Kahuna – John Kai
Kuauhau – Herbert U. Kai
(Note, Ali‘i at this time typically took 12 or more years to advance to this rank)
Akau, A. (S. Kohala)
Bell, John (N. Kohala)
Carter, Alvin H. (Ka‘u)
Hussey, Wm. K. (Hamakua)
Kaiwa, E. (N. Hilo)
Kekuewa, Ed (N. Kohala)
Purdy, John (S. Kohala)
Swain, Louis A. Jr. (Ka‘u)
General Membership: (Alphabetized)
Aiona, William
Akana, Oliver L.
Akiona, Edward K.
Beers, William H.
Brown, Harry K.
Brown, W. C. E.
Carter, Alvin H. (Ka‘u)
Cartier, Robert L.
Charles, Makanui
Desha, Edwin M.
Ellis, Richmond
Haae, Sr., Thomas N. (S. Kona)
Halaielua, Henry
Harbottle, John K. (S. Kona)
Hussey, William K. (Hamakua)
Kahaleoku, Kalino
Kahalewale, Kuni
Kai, Herbert U.
Kai, John
Kaiwa, E. K.
Kaleiho-a, Abraham
Kaleiho-a, S. W. A.
Kamahele, Mos alf (spelling ?)
Kamai, Herman
Kamai, Norman
Kamakaiwi, James
Kamoku, Ben
Kauhaihao or Kaihaihao or Kaiihaihao, George
Kauhane, Thomas
Kekoa, James
Kekoa, Theman
Kekuawela, Jack
Kekuewa, Ed (N. Kohala)
Kepoo, George
Koomoa, Joseph
Kuamoo, Kaipo
Kunitomo, Henry (S.Kona)
Kupukaa, William
Leal, John
Lee Loy, K.
Lee Loy, Lalamaku
Like, Joseph K.
Lincoln, John
Male, J.P.
Maluo, J.
Martin, C. K.
Martin, H.
Mathews, E.K.
Nahale-a Albert
Nalaielua, Henry
Namohala, E. A.
Nathaniel, Dan H.
Paakonia, Sol
Pakele, Jr., Peter N.
Purdy, John (S. Kohala)
Puuohau, James
Quin, Ed D.
Richardson, A.
Sebastian, Carlos
Silva, William H.
Simmons, E. K. (N. Kona)
Smith, Alfred K.
Smith, John R. (S.Kona)
Spencer, Samuel M.
Swain, Jr., Louis A. (Ka‘u)
Tucker, George (Puna)
Yuen, Dr. Henry B.
January 11, 1942
Mamo Ali‘i – John K. Kai
Kaukau Alii – K. Lee Loy
Lau Alii – Daniel Nathaniel
Kakaolelo – Moses Ahuna
Kuauhau – William G. Aiona
Hope Kuauhau – William H. Silva
Aipuupuu – Herman N. Kamai
Kahuna – Harry Keliia
Kuhikuhipuuone – Joseph Higgins
Pukaua Nui – Jesse Nohekaiu
Pukaua Iki – Kaipo Kuamoo
Kiai Loko – Iona Kahana
Kiai Waho – Fred Namahoe
Moses Ahuna
William Aiona
Edward K. Akiona
William H. Beers
Harry K. Brown
Edwin M. Desha
John K. Kai
Herman Kamai
James C. Kamakaiwi
Harry Keliian
Joseph N. Koomoa
Kaipo Kuamoo
Harry Kuikahi
K. Lee Loy
Charles Makanui
Henry Nalaielua
William H. Silva
Samuel M. Spencer
1952 (Alphabetized)
Ah Tou, George
Ahuna, Moses
Aiona, Sr., William
Akoi, Akina
Brown, Benjamin
Brown, Harry K.
Desha, Edward
Haleakala, Frank
Kauhi, Neki
Kawaihoola, Antone
Kenoi, Harry
Kualii, William
Kuamoo, Herbert
Kuamoo, Kaipo
Kuikahi, Harry
Lee Loy, Kalamaku
Leong, Sr., Ernest Akana
Manuia, John
Michael, John
Nalaielua, Henry
Napeahi, Robert
Nathaniel, Sr., Dan
Pahio, Henry
Poai, William
Puakea, Robert
Silva, William
Stevens, Ned
Tripp, Sr., Robert
Waipa, Robert K.
Wong, William
1954 (Names Not listed on 1952 list)
Note: Earnest Akana Leong was the Kaukau Alii at this time
Carter, Alvin H. (Ka‘u)
Desha, Edwin M.
Elia, Louis K.
Haili, John
Hamili, Moses
Hook, William (Kohala)
Kaapuiki, David Napua
Kaluhikawa, William
Kauelua, Kepa
Pahio, Henry
Puakea, Robert
Young, George
June 11, 1955
Issued and signed by Ali‘i Antone Kahawaiola‘a, Kaukau Ali‘i
Daniel Nathaniel
John Haili
Robert Puakea
William Aiona, Jr.
Neki Kauhi
William Kauali‘i
William Aiona, Sr.
Akina Akoi
Edwin Desha
Michael John
William Kanui
Henry Nalaielua
Henry Pahio
Kaipo Kuamo‘o
Moses Hamili
Ali‘i Ernest Leong, Sr.
Benjamin Brown
William Hook
Alvin Carter
George Ah Tou
Archie Hapai
Edwin Hamauku
Antone Kahawaiola‘a
Harry Kuikahi
Robert Tripp, Sr.
Robert Tripp, Jr.
John Manuia
Moses Ahuna
Kalamaku Lee Loy
Frank Haleakala
Joseph Pua‘a
Henry Mae
Louis Elia
William Kaluhikaua
Robert Waipā
Harry K. Keala. Jr.
April 3, 1961 (Alphabetized)
Ah Tou, George L.
Ahuna, Moses
Aiona, Chang Yang
Aiona, William G.
Aiona, William Jr.
Akana, Aiona
Aki, John Camillos
Akina, Ahina
Akina, Solomon
Akiona, Edward
Akoi, Akina
Aniu, William C.
Bader, Karl
Beck, Robert K.
Bishaw, Alexander
Bright, Wilbur P.
Brown, Benjamin H.
Calles, Stephen K.
Calles, William N.
Carter, Alvin U.
Chesebro, John K.
DeMello, III, Benjamin
Elia, Louis K.
Ellis, Richmond
Haili, John H.
Haleakala, Frank A.
Hall, George Kaohai
Hamauku, Edwin
Hamili, Moses K.
Hanohano, Nelson H.
Hapai, Archie
Ho‘a, Enoka
Hook, Sr., William
Issacs, John
John, Michael
Kahakua, Joseph
Kahalioumi, Robert
Kahawai, Charles
Kahawaiolaa, Antone
Kaheiki, Sr., Thomas K.
Kahihikolo, David K.
Kaholo, Alfred
Kahuke, Stephen (spelling)
Kai, Sr., John K.
Kaiewe, John
Kaili, Abraham
Kailikini, Joseph K.
Kalai, Sr., Lawrence
Kaluhikaua, Solomon
Kamahela, Alexander
Kamai, Herman N.
Kapuni, John Jr.
Kauhi, Henry E.
Kauhi, Neki
Kaulupali, Sr., Charles M.
Kaupu, Jr., Robert K.
Ke, Aola
Keliiaa, Harry
Keliikipi, Jr., Herman N.
Keliikona, Henry
Keliikuli, Mitchell
Kenoi, Clayton Philip
Kua, John
Kualii, Sr., William K.
Kualii, Tandy K.
Kuamoo, Frank
Kuamoo, Herbert A. L.
Kuamoo, Kaipo
Kuamoo, Louis
Kuikahi, Harry
Lee Loy, Kalamaku
Leialoha, Harry M.
Leong, Ernest A.
Lincoln, Harry J.
Lindsey, James K.
Lindsey, Thomas M.
Lonokapu, Harold
Lonokapu, William N.
Lujan, Samuel H.
Lum Ho, Thomas M.
Mae, Henry K.
Makaio, Abel
Makua, Elmer
Makua, Joseph K.
Manuia, John K.
Martinson, George
Mehau, Henry K.
Nahakuelua, Wilson
Nahuina, James K.
Nalaielua, Henry K.
Namahoe, Fred
Napoleona, George
Nathaniel, Arnold L.
Nathaniel, Daniel H.
Neki, Thomas A.
Pahio, Henry H.
Pakani, William K.
Papalimu, Joseph
Peiper, Sr., John W.
Poai, Joseph
Puaa, Joseph I.
Puakaa, Robert
Puniwai, John
Richardson, Arnold B. M.
Rodehurst, Walter
Santos, Sr., Joseph
Silva, Antone R.
Silva, Edsin
Silva, William H.
Smith, George W.
Smith, Walter
Soares, Suse
Tripp, Robert K.
Tripp, Robert K. C. Jr.
Tripp, Rubert
Waipa, Francis K.
Waipa, Robert
Walker, Ralph David
Whitney, Robert
Wong, William P.
Young, George K.
Yuen, Henry B.
1990 Appointed and Elected Officers
Ali‘i ‘Ai Moku, Ali‘i Sir Stephen K. Kaili, K.C.K.
Ali‘i ‘Okana, Ali‘i Sir John K. Manuia, C.K.
Kahuna Pule, Vacant
Alihikaua, Ali‘i George L. Ah Tou, Jr.
Ka‘akaua, Ali‘i Genesis N. Lee Loy
Mamo Ali‘i, Vacant
Kakaolelo, Ali‘i Ernest Akoni
La‘au Ali‘i, Vacant
Kaukau Ali‘i, Ali‘i Henry K. Lee Loy, M.D.
Ku‘auhau, Ali‘i Josepth H. Kahe‘e
‘Aipu‘upu‘u, Ali‘i Charles Aina
Wehewehe Kanawai, Ali‘i Alexander Kahapea*
Kahuna Kuhikuhi Pu‘uone, Ali‘i Karl Bader
Ilamuku, Mamo Hawai‘i Thomas M. Lindsey
Kia‘i Loko, Momo Hawai‘i Charles Mehau Kaulupali, Sr.
Kia‘i Waho, Mamo Hawai‘i George Kalahiki Kalehua
Malama Mo‘olelo, Mamo Hawai‘i Paul Neves
Malama Waihona, Mamo Hawai‘i Willie Kalei
*Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Kahapea, 1936 KSB graduate, served in the Infantry in the European Theater and was the most highly decorated World War II veteran from Hawai‘i, and also served in Korea and Vietnam.
1990 Māmalahoa Women’s Auxiliary
Mary Chang, President
Theresa Waipa, Vice President
Lillian Keli‘ipi‘o, Secretary
Louise John, Treasurer
Ruth Kauhi
Emily Ho‘opi‘i
Judith Ann Akoni
Dorothy Aina
Mary Ann Akao Kalehua
Ali‘i Aimoku – Ali‘i Stephen Kaili
Ali‘i Okana – Ali‘i Ernest Akoni
Kahuna Pule – Ali‘i Paul Neves
Alihi Kaua – Ali‘i George Ah Tou
Ka‘a Kaua – Ali‘i Genesis Lee Loy
Mamo Ali‘i – Vacant
Kaka‘olelo – Ali‘i Joseph Kahe‘e
La‘au Ali‘i – Ali‘i Charles Aina
Kaukau Ali‘i – Ali‘i Henry Lee Loy M.D.
Ku‘auhau – Mamo George Kalehua
Aipu‘upu‘u –
Malama Mo‘olelo – Mamo John Roberts
Wehiwehi Kanawai – Ali‘i Alexeander Kahapea
Kahuna Kuhikuhi Pu‘uone – Mamo Charles Kaulupali
Ilamuku – Mamo Willie Kalei
Kia‘i Loko – Mamo Thomas Lindsey
Kai‘a Waho – Mamo William Meheula
Malama Mo‘olelo – John Roberts III
Malama Waihona – Ali‘i Carl Bader
Mamo William Calles
Mamo Robert McKeen
Mamo Franklin Baptiste
Ali‘i Aimoku – Ali‘i Ernest Akoni
Ali‘i Okana – Ali‘i Joseph Kahe‘e
Kahuna Pule – Ali‘i Paul Neves
Alihi Kaua – Ali‘i George Ah Tou Jr.
Ka‘a Kaua – Ali‘i Genesis Lee Loy
Mamo Ali‘i – Ali‘i Stephen Kaili
Kaka‘olelo – Ali‘i George Kalehua
La‘au Ali‘i –
Kaukau Ali‘i – Ali‘i Henry Lee Loy M.D.
Ku‘auhau – Mamo John Roberts III
‘a‘ipu‘upu‘u – Mamo Ron Kaipo
Wehiwehi Kanawai – Ali‘i Alexander Kahapea
Kahuna Kuhikuhi Pu‘uone – Mamo Willie Kalei
Ilamuku – Mamo Franklin Baptiste
Malama Mo‘olelo – Mamo Robert McKeen Jr.
Malama Waihona – Ali‘i Carl Bader
Kia‘i Loko –
Kai‘a Waho – Mamo William Calles
Mamo Moses Crabbe
Mamo Moses Makuakane
Ali‘i Aimoku – Ali‘i Ernest Akoni
Ali‘i Okana – Ali‘i Joseph Kahe‘e
Kahuna Pule – Ali‘i Paul Neves
Alihi Kaua – Ali‘i George Ah Tou Jr.
Ka‘a Kaua – Ali‘i Genesis Lee Loy
Mamo Ali‘i – Ali‘i Stephen Kaili
Kaka‘olelo – Ali‘i George Kalehua
La‘au Ali‘i – Ali‘i Gabriel Makuakane
Kaukau Ali‘i – Ali‘i Henry Lee Loy M.D.
Ku‘auhau – Mamo John Roberts III
‘a‘ipu‘upu‘u – Chet Kamakawiwoole
Wehiwehi Kanawai – Rodney Burgess
Kahuna Kuhikuhi Pu‘uone – Mamo Herbert F. DeAguiar
Ilamuku – Mamo Franklin Baptiste
Malama Mo‘olelo – Mamo Robert McKeen Jr.
Malama Waihona – Mamo Moses Crabbe
Kia‘i Loko – Mamo Wayne Iokepa
Kia‘i Waho – Mamo Ralph Hind
Ali‘i Carl Bader
Ali‘i Alexander Kahapea
Mamo Eugene Gregory
Mamo Arthur Wong Dock
Mamo Curtis Tyler
Mamo Arthur Mahi
Mamo John Cubin
Mamo Ron K. Kaipo
Mamo Thomas Lindsey
Mamo Moses Crabbe
Mamo Wayne Iokepa
Mamo Ralph Hind
Mamo Errol Ishimine
Mamo William Calles
Mamo Alexander Miles
Mamo Mamo Herbert Puali‘ialoha Ishibashi, Jr.
Mamo Dr. Kuakini Prible
Mamo Ben Fonseca
Mamo Johan Kelekolio
Mamo Charles Young
Mamo Angel Pilago
Hoe Hele David Roy Jr.
Hoe Hele Mahealani Pai
Malihini Edward Johnson
Malihini Curtis Cortez
Malihini Harold Teves
July 19, 1997
Ali’i Aimoku – Ali’i Sir Paul Neves, K.C.K.
Lani Ali‘i – Ali’i Sir Ernest Akoni, K.C.K.
Ali’i Okana – Ali’i Sir Genesis Lee Loy, K.C.K
Kahuna Pule – Vacant
Alihi Kaua – Ali’i Sir George Kalehua, K.C.K.
Ka’a Kaua – Ali’i Sir Franklin Baptiste C.K.
Mamo Ali’i – Vacant
Kaka’olelo – Ali’i Sir Robert McKeen, C.K.
Kaukau Ali’i – Vacant
La‘au Ali‘i – Mamo Arthur Wong Dock
Ku’auhau – Mamo Rev. Alapaki Kim
’A’ipu’upu’u – Vacant
Wehiwehi Kanawai – Ali’i Sir Joseph Kahee, K.C.K.
Kahuna Kuhikuhi Pu’uone – Mamo John Cuban
Ilamuku – Mamo Jonah Kelekolio
Malama Mo’olelo – Vacant
Malama Waihona – Vacant
Kia’i Loko – Polena Fonseca
Kai’a Waho – Mamo Robert McKeen III
George Leilani Ah Tou, Jr.
Ernest Pakele Akoni
Karl Bader
Franklin Henry Baptiste
William Meheula Calles
Alexander Ale Hou Nalua Kahapea
Joseph Ho‘okano Kahee
George Kalakahi Kalehua
Genesis Namakaokalani Lee Loy
Henry Kaye Lee Loy, M.D.
Robert Coulter McKeen
Paul Kevin Neves
John Henry Roberts, III
Father George Decosta (Honary)
Mamo Willy Calles
Mamo Chet Imaikalani Kamakawiwoole
Mamo Alexander Scott Keawe Miles, M.D.
Mamo Herbert Puali‘ialoha Ishibashi, Jr.
Mamo Dr. Kuakini Keeaumoku Kawananakoa Prible
Mamo Moses Kaho‘okele Crabbe
Mamo Alika Thoene
Mamo James “Kimo” Pihana
Mamo Kaliko Kanaele
Mamo Raynolds Kamakawiwoole
Mamo Arthur Kane Wong Dock
Mamo John Ku‘uhoamele, Jr.
Mamo Ben Kuamo‘o Fonseca
Mamo Johah Umaumapuhipau Kelekolio
Malihini Minoaka Hapiha‘a
Hoa Hele Likeke Littlejohn
January 13, 2000
Ali‘i Aimoku – Ali‘i Sir Paul Neves, K.C.K.
Lani Ali‘i – Ali‘i Sir Ernest Akoni, K.C.K.
Ali‘i ‘Okana – Ali‘i Franklin Baptiste
Alihi Kaua – Ali‘i Kaliko Kanaele
Ka‘a Kaua – Ali‘i Robert McKeen III
Mamo Ali‘i – Ali‘i Jonah Kelekolio
Kaka‘olelo – Ali‘i Sir Robert McKeen Jr.
La‘au Ali‘i – Mamo Johnathan Naone
Kaukau Ali‘i – Mamo Keoni Choy
Ku‘auhau – Mamo Dominic Vea
‘Aipu‘upu‘u – Mamo Kini Burke
Kahuna Pule – Ali‘i Kahu O te Rangi
Wehiwehi Kanawai – Mamo Reynolds Kamakawiwaole
Kahuna Kuhikuhi Pu’uone – Ali‘i Kimo Pihana
Ilamuku – Mamo Kalani Mahelona
Malama Mo’olelo – Jonah Yardley
Hope Malama Mo‘olelo – Mamo Harold Kaula
Kia‘i Loko – Mamo Ron Larson
Kai‘a Waho – Mamo Darnell Mahi
Ah Tou, Jr., George
Bader, Karl
Cuban, John
Kahe‘e, Joseph
Kalehua, George
Leeloy M.D., Henry
Leloy, Genesis
Burke, Kini
Calles, Willy
Choy, Keoni
Crabbe, Moke
Eaton, Kalehua
Fonseca, Polena
Ishibashi, Jr., Herbert Puali‘ialoha
Ka‘ula, Harold
Kaipo, Ron
Kalei, William
Kamakawiwo‘ole, Chet
Kamakawiwo‘ole, Reynolds
Kim, Alapaki
Littlejohn, Owali
Lovell, Kawika
Mahelona, Kalani
Mahi, Darnell
Makuakane, Moses
Markel, Gerald Naliko
Miles M.D., Scott
Naone, Johnathan
Nevis, Lewis
Puni, Palmer
Robinson, Koloa
Theone, Alika
Vea, Daniel
Vea, Dominic
Wong Dock, Arthur
Yardley, Jonah
January 30, 2001
Al‘‘i Aimoku – Ali‘i Sir Paul Neves
Lani Ali‘i – Ali‘i Sir Ernest Akoni
Ali‘i ‘Okana – Ali‘i Franklin Baptiste
‘Alihi Kaua – Ali‘i Kaliko Kanaele
Ka‘a Kaua – Ali‘i Sir Kimo Pihana
Mamo Ali‘i – Ali‘i Sir Robert McKeen III
Kaka‘olelo – Ali‘i Sir Robert McKeen Jr
La‘au Ali‘i – Mamo Keoni Choy
Kaukau Ali‘i – Ali‘i Sir Kini Burke
Ku‘auhau – Mamo Naliko Kahoali‘i Markel
‘Aipu‘upu‘u – Ali‘i Sir Darnell Mahi
Kahuna Pule – Ali‘i Kahu O te Rangi
Wehiwehi Kanawai – Mamo Reynolds Kamakawiwaole
Kahuna Kuhikuhi Pu‘uone – Ali‘i Sir Dominic Vea
Ilamuku – Mamo Daniel Vea
Malama Mo‘olelo – Jonah Yardley
Mo‘olelo Waihona – Mamo Jonathan Naone
Kia‘i Loko – Mamo Harold Ka‘ula
Kai‘a Waho – Mamo Palmer Puni
Ah Tou, Jr., George
Bader, Karl
Cuban, John
Kahe‘e, Joseph
Kalehua, George
Leeloy M.D., Henry
Leloy, Genesis
(Not on 2000 List)
Ahuna, Jaysen E.A.
Awana, Christopher
Awana, David R. A.
Mahi Ammarron
Soriano, Dennis
Naehu, Guy Nanahano
Kahakelii, Felward
Stone, Randal Kelii Dudoit
Ali‘i No‘eau Loa – Ali‘i Sir Paul Neves, K.G.C.K. (Honorary Office as ret. Kālaimoku)
Ali‘i ‘Ai Moku – Ali‘i Sir Herbert “Pua” Puali‘ialoha Ishibashi, Jr., K.G.C.K.
Ali‘i ‘Okana – Ali‘i Sir Frank Baptiste, K.G.C.K.
Kahuna Pule – Ali‘i John Cuban
‘Alihikaua – Ali‘i Sir Kaliko Kanaele, K.C.
Ka‘akaua – Ali‘i Sir Robert Mckeen III, K.C.
Mamo Ali‘i – Mamo Hawai‘i Reynolds Kamakawiwo‘ole
Kākā‘ōlelo – Mamo Hawai‘i Sky Kaleookalani Ishibashi
Lā‘au Ali‘i – Mamo Hawai‘i Timothy Kahiwahiwaakalāhui Ka‘apuni
Kaukau Ali‘i – Mamo Hawai‘i Wallace Aeae Ishibashi, Jr.
Kū‘auhau – Mamo Hawai‘i Eldred K. Kalehua
‘Ā‘īpu‘upu‘u – Mamo Hawai‘i Chet Imaikalani Kamakawiwo‘ole
Wehewehe Kānāwai – Ali‘i Sir Kahu O Terangi, K.C.
Kahuna Kuhikuhi Pu‘uone – Mamo Hawai‘i Kinohi Neves
Ilāmuku – Mamo Hawai‘i Earl Kalawai‘a, Jr.
Kia‘i Loko – Mamo Hawai‘i Kyle Wana
Kia‘i Waho – Mamo Hawai‘i Michael DeMello
Mālama Mo‘olelo – Mamo Hawai‘i Syd “Kaua” George Vierra
Mālama Mo‘olelo Hope – Mamo Hawai‘i Darryl “Dino” Aiwohi
Mālama Waihona – Mamo Hawai‘i Ronald “Miki” Keli‘i, Jr.
Active Members (alphabetical order):
Mamo Hawai‘i Darryl “Dino” Aiwohi (Puna)
Mamo Hawai‘i Polena Fonseca Aiwohi (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Christian “Kimo” Alameda (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Alexander Alan (Puna)
Mamo Hawai‘i Ronston Andrade (Puna)
Ali‘i Sir Frank Baptiste, K.G.C.K. (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Joseph Bernabe (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Dane Cairns (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Nate Chang (Hilo)
Ali‘i John Cuban (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Michael DeMello (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Raymond Fujikawa (Ka‘u)
Mamo Hawai‘i David Heaukulani (Puna)
Mamo Hawai‘i Ketter Tubbs-Ishibashi (Hilo)
Ali‘i Sir Herbert “Pua” Ishibashi, Jr., K.G.C.K. (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Sky Kaleookalani Ishibashi (Puna)
Mamo Hawai‘i Wallace Aeae Ishibashi, Jr. (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Timothy Kahiwahiwaakalāhui Ka‘apuni (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Earl Kalawai‘a, Jr. (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Eldred K. Kalehua (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Chet Imaikalani Kamakawiwo‘ole (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Reynolds Kamakawiwo‘ole (Honoka‘a)
Ali‘i Sir Kaliko Kanaele, K.C. (Puna)
Ali‘i Johan Kelekolio (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Ronald kelii (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Cade Kuamo‘o (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Brian Lindsey (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Joseph Madela (Honorary Member from Oahu)
Mamo Hawai‘i Herbert Mahelona (Hilo)
Ali‘i Darnell Mahi (Hilo)
Ali‘i Sir Robert Mckeen III, K.C. (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Kinohi Neves (Hilo)
Ali‘i Sir Paul Neves, K.G.C.K. (Hilo)
Mamo Hawai‘i Moke Stephens (Puna)
Ali‘i Sir Kahu O Terangi, K.C. (Puna)
Mamo Hawai‘i Syd “Kaua” George Vierra (Puna)
Mamo Hawai‘i Kyle Wana (Hilo)